
FARMING has always been the prime economic activity and backbone of India. With government statistics, more than half of the population of India relies entirely on agriculture for a livelihood, and many of these are small and marginal farmers. During the pre independence time Agriculturalists were effected with core infrastructure Factors like poor infrastructure, lack of modernisation and declining productivity have hindered Indian farmers from coming out of the cycle of debt and poverty. But every year, thousands of them take their own lives due to crop failure and the inability to repay debts.

During many years, farmers have been accountable for ensuring food security for the country, but many of them are now toiling in the fields under the scorching with less luck. So RGF takes initiative to promote Many agricultural activities, supporting sustainable farming method to improve their standards of lives.

India’s food security relies on the production of diverse crops to meet the demands of its growing population. Further, agriculture is still the backbone of the Indian economy as 70% of India’s population depends directly or indirectly on agriculture for livelihood. But, farmers in many parts of the country face challenges due to the declining fertility of soil, unavailability of good irrigation facilities, low yields, fluctuation in market prices, etc. Despite mentioning the above adverse situation RGF will be coming forward to address the issue and show solutions to the unsolved problems reduction of rural community poverty through policies that benefit tribal communities, poor and marginalised communities, women and scheduled castes and tribes. Their by ensure ensures food security through a productive, diversified agricultural sector.

Agriculture has been a focal area of the RGF Trust since its inception. The Trusts work with the local Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) local agriculture universities and subject experts in order to develop specific, focused initiatives that enhance agricultural productivity and rural development.

RGF enhances farm productivity and profitability; makes farming practices climate resilient and nature friendly; and works with communities to arrest land degradation. Our climate resilient agriculture approach helps farmers mitigate risks of climate change, reduce the cost of cultivation, increase productivity and enhance their adaptive capacities.

Sustainable, Water-efficient Practices

  1. System of Crop Intensification
  2. Organic Farming
  3. Soil Health Management
  4. Pest & Disease Management
  5. Fodder Development & Management
  6. Farmer Field Schools
  7. Productivity & Market Linkages (FPOs)
  8. Farmer Producer Companies
  9. Processing Units & Produce Collection Centres
  10. Collectivisation & Marketing of Crop Produce
  11. Value Chain Studies & Business Plans
  12. Local & Crop-Specific Agromet Advisories
  13. Short Term Weather Forecasts
  14. Local Weather-based Crop Advisories